
Dyeing Seals TYPE DN

d D D1 D2 L L1
16 33 33 25 49 37
18 35 36 28 52 40
20 37 40 30 54 40
22 39 42 32 57 43
25 42 45 35 57 43
28 45 48 38 58 44
30 52 50 40 63 49
35 57 55 45 65 51
40 62 60 50 68 54
45 67 65 55 74 60
50 72 70 60 77 63
55 77 75 65 79 65
60 82 80 70 79 65
65 92 90 80 91 74
70 97 97 85 95 76
75 102 102 90 95 76
80 107 107 95 100 81
85 112 112 100 101 82
90 117 117 105 102 83
95 122 122 110 102 83
100 127 127 115 102 83
110 141 142 130 126 105
120 151 152 140 126 105

Operation Conditions:

Temperature(溫度):-30℃~ 180℃
Pressure(壓力):≦10 ㎏ / c㎡
Speed(轉速):≦15 m/s
Medium(使用環境):Oil, Water, Weak acid, Weak alkali, Polymer with high stickiness, Foodstuff, Paper starch and paint

Standard Materials:

Stationary Ring (靜止環):SIC / TC
Rotary Ring(迴轉環):SIC / TC
Secondary Seal:NBR / VITON
Metal parts(金屬零件):SUS304 / SUS316


Temperature: - 20℃ ~ 220℃
Pressure: ≦ 10 kg/c㎡
Speed: ≦ 15 m/sec